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❤️ How to sing Kuhu kuhu bole koyaliya ❤️ Raag Sohni & Raag Bahar ❤️ ENG NOTES in Description Area

This song has 4 stanzas based on 4 different raagas. In this video, we will learn 2 stanzas and next two stanzas, we will learn in part:2 of this video tutorial. Learn with patience because once you learn this song, you will really enjoy singing it. In the song, taal keharva (8 beats) is played in the beginning as well as when instrumental music is being played. When the song starts, then teen taal (16 beats) is played with the song. This song begins from 9th beat of teen taal. 1st stanza is based on Raag Sohni Let us first know briefly about this raag: Thaat: marva (Tivr m, komal r) jaati: shadav- shadav vaadi: D samvaadi: G Time: Ratri ka antim prahar (3 a.m. to 6 a.m.) tanpura is tuned on B scale (sa-ma) aaroh: S G, m D N S' r' S' avroh: S' r' S' N D N, N D m G m G, r S pakar: S', N D, N D, G m D N S' r' S' This song begins with an alaap: S' N D m, D N S' - N D m, D N, N D m G, mD MG S- kuhu / kuhu: S S m G / G G D m bole: m D mDNS' koyaliya: S' S' N R' S' S' kunj kunj mein: S - r' N N S' D N bhanvre dole: N N S' r' S'r' S'NS'N D gun gun bole: m D N DN DM DM G aa...: Gm, GmD, mDN, S'NDm, GRS kuhu kuhu bole koyaliya...... Saj singaar: S' S' D N G G ritu aai / basanti: m D S' - S' / S' S' Nr' S' S' female taan: 1) S' N D N, r' G' r' G, m' G' r' G, R' S' N S' 2) D N S' r', S' N D N, S' N D N, D m G m jaise naar: S' S' S'D N N G koi ho raswanti: m D S' S' S' S' S' Nr' S' S' male taan: 1)N S', N r' S' N, D N, D N D m, m D m G 2) G m m, G m D D m D N S' N D, m D N jaise naar koi ho raswanti off beat S' N D , m D N S', G m G m, D N S' - r' S N D N, S' r' S' N, S' r' S' N D N N, D N N, D N, m D D, m D D, m D, off beat G R, G m D N saj singaar ritu aayi basanti jaise naar koi ho raswanti daali daali: D N r' G', kaliyon ko: r' G' r' G titlian chumey: M' G' G' r' r' - S' - phool phool pan : S' - r' N - S' D N khariyaan kho: N S' r' le - - ,: S'r'S'N S'ND Amrit ghole: m D N DNDm DmG aaaa....: Gm,GmD, mDN, S'NDmGrS- 2nd stanza is based on Raag Bahaar let us know Brief description of raag bahaar: Thaat: Kaafi (komal g, komal n) jaati: shadav- shadav vaadi: M Samvaadi: S Time: Midnight aaroh: S M Pg M, n D N S' avroh: R' N S', D n P, M P g M R S pakar: RRS, 'N S M Stanza:2 kaahe: M P S'S'NS'S' kaahe ghata mein: M P S'S'NS'S' n P M P bijli chamke: g M N D N N S' S' ho sakta hai: Mg G M R - S- megh raaj ne: S S S M M M g M baadariya ka: N N D D N N S' S' Shyaam Shyaam mukh: N N S' g' g' M' R' R' choom liya ho: S' S' n D N - S' - chori chori man: S - r' N - S' D N panchi ude: N S' r' S'r'S'N S'ND naina ju / de: m D N / D NDm DmG aakaar...: GM, GMD, MDN, S'NDM, GRS kuhu kuhu.... ********************************* * You are welcome to contribute for the growth of your favourite Youtube channel. Press on the LINK given below and choose your own method of payment! *Follow me on Instagram: *WEBSITE: E-mail: * Check out my second channel on YouTube: INNER UNIVERSE COMMUNITY * Books by Sanchita Pandey are available on Amazon: #InnerUniverseCommunity #SanchitaPandey #BollywoodHits #learnsinging #MusicTutorial #Notations #keharvataal #musiclessons #musiccompetition #RaagSohni #RaagBahar
