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Tansen was born in 1506. Those whose name was Tanna then. To gain further knowledge of music, Swamiji sent him to Hazrat Muhammad Gauss in Gwalior. After gaining sufficient knowledge of music, Tansen again returned to Mathura near Swami Haridas. Here he learned 'nad' lore from Swamiji. Tansen had achieved amazing success in music by now. Impressed by his music, Rewa-Naresh made him the head singer of his court. Akbar got an opportunity to listen to Tansen's music at Rewa-Naresh.

He got excited after listening to his music. He invited Tansen to his court after urging Rewa-Naresh. Impressed by his music, Akbar gave him a place in his Navratnas. There are many legends about Tansen that it is said that during the time of their singing, the ragas and raginis used to be revealed.

Once Emperor Akbar persisted in singing 'Deepak Rag' from Tansen. At a certain time, he started singing Deepak Raga in the court. Jyo-Jyo Aalap started growing and the singers and listeners started getting sweaty. By the end of the song, the lamp kept in the court itself got burnt and flames started appearing all around.

marriage :

Tansen was introduced to Rani Mriganayani, the widowed wife of King Mansingh. Rani Mriganayani was also a very sweet and intelligent singer. She was very impressed to hear Tansen singing. He married Tansen to a melodious singer girl named Hussaini Brahmani, who was educated in his music-temple. Hussaini's real name was Premkumari. Hussaini's father was a Saraswat Brahmin, but later he became initiated into the unfamiliar Muslim religion. The Islamic name of Premkumari was Hussaini. Being a Brahmin girl, everyone used to call her as Hussaini Brahmini, from which Tansen's gharana started being called 'Hussaini gharana'.

Education from Mohammed Ghaus:

Remembering his father's last wish, Tansen thought of taking education from Mohammed Ghaus. Before learning from his new teacher, Tansen went to seek permission from his first guru, Haridas ji. Haridas said to Tansen "You have no need to worry, you should respect your father's last wish and learn from the new guru, remember I am always ready for you whenever you need. You come to me." , You are like my son ”. In this way Haridas left Tansen with his blessings.

Now Tansen started learning from Mohammad Ghaus for three years and started improving his musical talent. Mohammed Ghaus went to reunite him with the king of Gwalior. Tansen now started coming to the Gwalior court. One day he met a lady named Husseini, in the court, whom Tansen fell in love with. Tansen married her. After a few years, Mohammed Ghaus died after all his wealth in the name of Tansen. Tansen's family settled in Mohammed Ghaus's house and moved ahead of him.


There is no consensus regarding Tansen's name. Some say that 'Tansen' was his name, not his title. Tansen was an original artist. He also composed songs in the melody. Three texts of Tansen are mentioned:

1. 'Sangeetasara',

2. 'Ragamala' and

3. 'Sriganesh Stotra'.

Tansen's name will always remain immortal as Dhrupadkar in the history of Indian music. Along with this, Tansen will remain memorable in the context of the unbroken relationship between the music of verse literature of Brajbhasha.

Sangeet Emperor Tansen was one of Akbar's precious Navratnas. He was a gem of his music art. Because of this he was highly respected. The court of Akbar was deserted without singing music. Tau Baba Ramdas of Tansen was a high-quality musician. He was a disciple of the lord Haridas of Vrindavan. With his inspiration, the child Tansen got music education from childhood.

Tansen received music education till the age of twelve near Swami Haridas. While there, he received education in literature and music. Tansen set out on a country tour after obtaining music education. He traveled to many places and he got a lot of fame on the performance of music, but there was no achievement of money worth living.

Raja Ramchandra and Tansen:

Reva-Naresh Raja Ramchandra sent a messenger with a message to Tansen. When that envoy went to Tansen and read this message, Tansen did not budge after listening to the message. Because it was written that Reva-Naresh Raja Ramachandra (Tansen) To be appointed to his court. This was a huge stage for Tansen's fame. Now Tansen Reva-Naresh began to gather many gifts, fame and experience while spreading the magic of music in the court of King Ramachandra. From here, Tansen's fame grew so much that his singing discussions started going up to the court of Emperor Akbar of India.

One day when Akbar heard the singing of Tansen in the court of King Ramachandra, he was enchanted. He was so pleased to sing Tansen that he could not stop the appointment of Tansen in his court and one day Maharaja Akbar also sent the message to King Ramachandra. That he wants to appoint Tansen to his court. Raja Ramachandra never wanted to send a singer like Tansen from his court, but due to being a small kingdom, he could not refuse the powerful Akbar, who ruled the whole of India, so he sent Tansen to the court of Akbar as a royal gift. Given.

According to Akbarnama:

According to 'Akbarnama' Tansen died in Akbari rule in 34th year i.e. Samvat 1646 in Agra.

It happened. He may have been cremated there on the banks of the Yamuna. Later, his memorial as a memorial in his birthplace Gwalior was built near the tomb of his reverence, Gaus Muhammad, which still exists. Tansen was about 83 years old at the time of his death. And he was usually associated in the Akbari court for 26 years. He had many sons, a daughter and many disciples. Among the sons, Tantrang Khan, Surtasan and Vilas Khan, are famous. Among the sons, Tantrang Khan, and among the disciples, the name of Mian Chand is found in Akbar's leading court musicians.

Tansen's death:

According to some historical sources, Tansen died in Delhi on 26 April 1586 and Akbar and all his courtiers were present on his last visit. However, according to other sources, he died on 6 May 1589. He was buried at Janmabhoomi Behat (near Gwalior). It is in his memory that 'Tansen Sangeet Sammelan' is organized in December every year. Every year in December, Tansen celebrations are held in Gwalior in memory of Tansen.

Mia Tansen was one of Akbar's popular Navratnas. Akbar was very fond of music and about Tansen, Akbar had heard the praise of his voice and musical art from many people, hence Akbar wanted to bring Tansen to his court in any condition but for this They were also ready to go to war. Tansen's devotional songs are still heard from house to house.

Tansen Award:

Every year in December, the national music festival 'Tansen Festival' is held near Tansen's tomb. In which Tansen Award and Tansen Award for Hindustani Classical Music are given. The ragas produced by him will always remind him of the glorious history of his versatility. The name of Sangeet Samrat Tansen will always remain immortal in the category of All India Singers of Indian Music.

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