Dhrupad a rich singing style

Dhrupad is the rich singing style of prosperous India, it is often seen that even the listeners do not like to listen to Dhrupad. Some senior music composers have taken up the task of saving this glorious genre, so even today the singing is alive and some sensible, settled students are learning it, Dhrupad literally means Dhruv + verse meaning - whose rules are fixed, Be unalterable, which is bound in the rules.
Dhrupad is believed to have originated from ancient management singing, Maharaja Mansingh Tomar of Gwalior played an important role in promoting this singing genre, he also opened a school to teach Dhrupad. In Dhrupad, Alapachari has importance, beautiful and beautiful Alap is the soul of Dhrupad, Nom-Tom's Alapachari Dhrupad is the specialty of singing, in ancient times you used words like Anant Hari, later these words were replaced by Nom-Tom. Got it . The words are mostly associated with God worship, singing has a special place in this singing. There are also the devotional adornments of heroic devotional, in the past four dhanis of Dhrupad were considered i.e. four styles of Dhrupad singing. The names of these Bani were Khandari, Nohari, Gauhari and Dagur.
Everyone is familiar with the name of the revered Dagar Bandhu, the revered Shri Umakant Ramakant Gundecha ji has set a new example in Dhrupad singing, he has perfected Dhrupad singing, his Dhrupad singing is very melodious, beautiful and expressive, he has sur The singing of the verses of Meera etc. are also included in Dhrupad. The name of Shri Udaya Bhawalkar ji is the foremost among the young Dhrupad singers, revered Ritwik Sanyal ji, Shri Abhay Narayan Malik ji and many excellent musical Dhrupad are reaching the height.
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