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Some Controversies about Tabla Origin

While studying history of Tabla, we would face various debates. There is no concrete evidence about the Tabla origin or when Tabla has been introduced into Indian Classical Music. Though the myth says that tabla is invented by the Indian Sufi poet and musician Amir Khusro in the 13th century, yet it has no authentic proof. The Tabla has neither been mentioned in the musical records of his time nor after his death until the next five centuries. Percussion instrument on which leather has been fitted is called as ‘Tabla’ (तब्ल) in Farsi language. Some also proclaim falsely that the Pakhwaj was broken into two halves to make Tabla. They also pass a comment ‘तोडा तब बोला’ as a proof of splitting the Pakhwaj.  However it is widely accepted that in the 18th century, the Tabla expert in Delhi, Siddharakha has given a scientific base to the Tabla playing. He introduced the use of ink on the Tabla and Dagga (Baya). Before him, the instrument was dough smearing