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Suprabhat "Meditation with Morning Ragas"

Babulal Gandharva | Sarangi Recital

Meditation with morning ragas...... Born on 15th April, 1951. Babulal plays the BELA BAHAAR. His father Shri Kashiramji was a well-known Sarangi player of the state. At the age of seven, Babulal started learning vocal music and sarangi playing under his father's guidance. After his matriculation, Babulal started learning the violin under Pt. S. G. Ranade. Since 1979, Babulal permanently settled in Mumbai and it was here that he created his unique instrument - the Bela Bahaar.

Pt. Uday Bhawalkar | Bhajan

Suprabhat "Meditation with morning ragas" Pandit Uday Bhawalkar is an Indian classical vocalist. He is an exponent of the dhrupad genre. Uday Bhawalkar is among the foremost Dhrupad vocalists and has been a strong force in its growing recognition, popularity and resurgence, worldwide. Uday believes that when immersed in the note and raga, the self disappears and music takes on its own existence; the principle of ‘darshan’ in Indian philosophy.

Shubhendra Rao & Partho Sarthi | Sitar Recital

Suprabhat ''Meditation with morning ragas''....Composer and performer, Shubhendra Rao is ranked amongst the key soloists of India. Distinguished as a musical bridge to many cultures, he creates an experience for his audience that "is not aimed at titillating the senses, but to seize the soul". A protégé of world-renowned Sitar maestro, Pandit Ravi Shankar, Shubhendra has established himself not only as a master of his instrument but also as a thinking musician, constantly endeavoring to carry his instrument beyond conventional boundaries.

Pt. Nirmalya Dey | Indian Classical Vocalist

Suprabhat ''Meditation with morning ragas''.... Pandit Nirmalya Dey is a renowned master vocalist and teacher in the tradition of Dagarvani dhrupad. Inspired by his mother, he started his initial dhrupad training with Prof. Nimaichand Boral, who was a disciple of Ustad Nasir Moinuddin Dagar. From 1988, Nirmalya Dey learned in the true guru-shishya tradition based on the master-disciple relationship, spending extended time with the celebrated dhrupad master, Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar.

संबंधित राग परिचय