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Anahata Chakra Activation ❤️ Heart Chakra ❤️ Chakra Balancing and Healing Music

Heart Chakra Healing Music | Attract Love in All Forms | Anahata Chakra Meditation Music Anahata or heart chakra is the fourth primary chakra, according to Hindu Yogic, Shakta and Buddhist Tantric traditions. In Sanskrit, anahata means "unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten". The god of Anahata is Lord Aadi Shakti. A Music filled with Love, Radiance and Positive Energy, Its root frequency of this music resonates with that of Heart Chakra... Vibration of our Heart Chakra.. It can transform the most anxious hearts into compassionate loving ones... full of positive energy... As you hear this music, smile at your heart. See you heart as a flower, fresh, full of love, full of fragrance ... radiating out to the world... As you meditate along with this music, let go all the negative feelings inside your heart, and watch it become tender, full of love and positivity. Subscribe to our Indian Classical Music Channel :
