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Beautiful formulas of mathematics, such as music, such as poetry

Mathematics is considered to be the most difficult, but a recent research has shown that the complex sequence of numbers and letters in the formula of mathematics produces the same feeling of pleasure in the brain, as when looking at a magnificent artwork or listening to the music of great musicians. Arises

During the brain scanning at University College London, some mathematicians were shown 'unpleasant' and 'beautiful' equations.

Researchers found that the part of the brain that is active in appreciating art is stimulated by 'beautiful' mathematics.

Researchers say that there may be neurobiological reasons for beauty.

However, the mathematical formulas of Euler and Pythagoras are rarely parallel to those of Mozart, Shakespeare, and von Gogh.

In this study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15 mathematicians were given 60 mathematical formulas.

Researcher Prof. Samir Zaki told the BBC, "A large part of the brain is active in looking at an equation, but when one looks at the 'prettiest' formulas, the emotional brain becomes active like looking at a beautiful picture or relaxing Happens on listening to the song. ''

This part is the arbito frontal cartex located in the middle of the brain.

Most beautiful formula
Image copyright SPL

Brain scans showed that the more 'beautiful' mathematical formulas that were judged, the more successful they were in creating brain movements.

Perhaps Euler's mathematical formula may not look so beautiful to first-time visitors, but it has been found in studies that it was the most favorite of mathematicians.

Professor David Percy of the Institute of Mathematics and its application is also a favorite formula.

He explains, "This is the real classic and you can't do anything better than this."

He says, "It is as ordinary as it is easy to see." There are five important mathematical constants - zero, 1, e, pi and i (basic imaginary number). ''

This sutra consists of the three basic functions of mathematics, yoga, multiplication, and exponent.

He says, "Initially you will not realize its complexity. It has a gradual effect. In the same way as you are listening to music, but when you are likely to be aware of it, suddenly you will be surprised. ''

In this study, Srinivas Ramanujan's mathematical formula (Infinite series) and Reiman's functional equation are among the most unpleasant formulas.

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