How to practice

To start Riyaz, try this as follows -
1) First lesson of learning music and Riyaz Onkar. For 3 months, you should continuously practice Onkar in the tone of 'Sa' for at least 30 minutes every morning.
2) If you can give more time, then after taking Omkar Riaz, after resting for 5 minutes, do the slow movement of Sargum Asar for 30 minutes. Do not be hasty.
3) While reciting the sargam, take full care to apply the tone properly. If the tone is not being heard properly, try again and again. Music practice requires perseverance and in the beginning requires a lot of endurance and leisure.
4) Music is considered to be God's day and it is thought that only God who is pleased can sing. But God has given everyone the power to realize their dreams with their hard work. Even if your throat and voice are ordinary, you can not only bring new life to your voice but also can touch the musical heights.
5) While learning music many times people think how much Riyaz will have to be done and for how long. Riyaz never ceases for a true music learner and no Riyaz is too much, and I am not writing this for just one thing, this is a century-after-century truth. But one more thing I can say is that as long as you are working hard in the song, as long as you have to try a lot, then you should do only and only Riyaz, and should not run after the songs and ragas. When your gamut ascension eases and by thinking about the vowel, you can find the right vowel at once, without any help, then you understand that now you can step into the next stage of music, the world of ragas. Huh.
6) While preparing Riyaz, there are four types of preparation. One - your breathing power and control are stable, two - your neck muscles are ready to easily withstand the stress of vocal fluctuations, three - able to naturally hold your ears and brain tone naturally. There are four and your mind and inner mind brings the patience, concentration, purity and positivity required for singing. To make a good singer, it is necessary to develop oneself in all these four ways.
7) If you are doing hard Rija everyday and on time, then after taking 10 -15 days of continuous Rija, you can take a rest of 1- 2 days. With this, all kinds of stresses emerging in your body disappear and you are ready again, even more firmly than before, to continue the singing effort.
8) As much as there is a belief in Riyaz to practice on your own, it is also important to listen to good music. Therefore, listen to the best classical music singers as much as possible, whether on the Internet, or on CD. By listening to music and keeping it in mind, your mind is ready.
9) Another secret to fully prepare your physical ability in Riyaz - at least 30 minutes of daily pranayama, if you can. While singing, different octaves emphasize four different parts of the body - the stomach, lungs, larynx and the upper part of the head. If you do bhastrika, illusionary and kapalbhati daily then you can feel miraculous changes in yourself. It is not a matter of just saying, try it yourself and tell me whether a miracle happened or not.
10) One last thing. Keep in mind that you have not made your daily routine very annoying, stressful and uncomfortable to practice. By doing this, you do not get success by doing so, so it is very important that you learn music and maintain balance and ease with the rest of life.
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