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'Chaadar Jheeni Rang Jheeni' by Prahlad Tipanya
Sun, 01/08/2021 - 23:57
Our body is a finely woven cloth and the taste of Raam ‘ras’ (nectar) is ceaselessly threading its warp and weft. We could imagine this Raam ras as our breath, which animates the very fabric of our body-selves. And the reckless neglect, emotional and physical violence that we wreak on it perhaps are the stains that soil this delicate cloth, defacing its beauty. The weaver bhakta Kabir created this image in a poem a long time ago. It has since moved countless listeners over several generations, making it one of the most iconic and widely recognized songs of Kabir today. The subtle body-cloth comes to life here in the voice of Prahladji and mandali in this feisty rendition from the oral traditions of Malwa in central India.