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Indian script based on phonology

Many Western researchers of the 18th-19th centuries tried to spread the misconception that the ancient sages of India were ignorant of the art of writing and that the origin of the Brahmi script developed in India 300-400 years before Christ was outside India. In this context, Dr. Orfried and Mueller stated that India got its writing from the Greeks. Sir William Jones said that the Indian Brahmi script originated from the Semitic script. Prof. Beaver attempted to establish the fact that Brahmi has an original Phoenician script. Dr. David Deringer speculated that Brahmi originated from the Aramaic script. While writing the history of Sanskrit literature, Maxmरller expressed his opinion in the context of the development of script that the art of writing came into existence in India 400 years before Christ. Unfortunately, in later times, Indian scholars also rendered the same conclusions in unison with the voices of Western revisionists. In this whole process, no special effort was made to know the saga of the development of script in the traditions and texts of our country.

See what is reality?
Renowned archaeologist and calligrapher A.B. Walawalkar and scribe Laxman Sridhar Wakankar proved by their revisions that the Indian script originated in India itself and the tradition of writing on phonetic basis has existed since the Vedic period, which is also confirmed by many archeological evidences.

Eric Gill, in his essay on typography, describes the obstacles to a typical phonetic writing, saying that at some point a letter may have been synonymous with a sound, but from the study of the Roman alphabet, a letter is always and everywhere synonymous with a sound. , This fact does not come to mind. For example, strong - these four letters are pronounced with 7 different types and different sounds - ‘Ode, Off, Off, Aau, Au, U, O’. As I conclude after writing this, Gill says that I have a clear idea, "It would be foolish to say that our Roman alphabet writes and prints sound properly."

On the other hand, the phonetic writing tradition in India has been for ages. Some evidence of this is found in our ancient literature-

1. There is a legend in Yaju Taittariya Samhita that there was a problem before the gods that the voice disappears after it is spoken. So how to realize this formless voice? So they went to Indra and said ‘Vachanvya Kurveet’ i.e. give shape to the voice. Then Indra said I have to take the help of Vayu. The gods validated it and Indra shaped the voice. Shaping speech i.e. writing lore. This Indra is famous by the name of Northwest Grammar. It is more prevalent in South India-

2. The following lines of Ganak Rishikrit Sukta Ganapati Atharvashirsha in Atharva Veda give clear evidence of the origin of writing lore-

गणादिं पूर्वमुच्चार्य वर्णादिं तदनन्तरम्⁇। Anuswara: Layer:. अर्धेन्दुलसितम्⁇। तोरण रुद्धम्⁇। एतत्तवमनुस्वरूपम्⁇। Gakar: Purvarupam. अकारो मध्यरूपम्⁇ अनुस्वारश्र्चान्त्यरूपम्⁇। बिन्दुरुत्तरूपम। Sounds: Sandhanam. Code of Conduct:. Saisha Ganesh Vidya.

That is, first to pronounce the group of sounds, then to write the letters in the same order (with the help of color) later, then to give anuswara on the letter, it should be crescent moon. Thus, O Ganesha, your form, the picture will be as follows: i.e. the consonant and the part of the middle vowel, i.e. the shape, the form and the end-free anuswara This is Ganesha Vidya, which is known by Ganapati.

3. It was Lord Shiva who gave the sound sources. Branches of different Vedas began to disappear due to the death of the speakers. So taking the prayer to save him, Sankadi Siddha went to Lord Shiva in Chidambaram in the south. Hearing their prayers, Lord Shiva played his damru nine and five times, that is, fourteen times, in the interval of his heavenly dance. From that came 14 sound sutras, which are called Maheshwar sutras. It is described as-

Nrittavasane Nataraja Rajo
ननाद ढक्कां नवपंचवारम्⁇.
Quotes: Sankadisiddhantra etadvimarshe Shivasutrajalam.
Kaushik Sutra-1

Panini mentions the fourteen Maheshwar Sutras as follows. (1) अ इ उ ं⁇ (2) ऋ लृ क्⁇ (3) ए ओ ङ⁇ (4) ऐ औ च⁇ (5) हय व र ट⁇ (6) ल ण⁇ (7) ण म ङ ण न म⁇ (8) झ भञ्⁇ (9) ध ठ घ ष्⁇ (10) ज ब ग ड द श्⁇ (11) ख फ छ ठ थ च ट त्र य⁇ (12) क प य⁇ (13) श ष स र⁇ (14) ह ल⁇

4. In order to preserve the remembrance of the Vedas and their purity, various sages developed complex methods of braid, garland, crest, line, rod, chariot, flag, and cube text, which were difficult to preserve without writing.

5. When Mahabharatkar Vyas Muni was thinking of writing Mahabharata, he had a problem in front of him as to who wrote it, then he remembered Ganesha for its solution - ‘Kavyasya Lekhanarthay Ganesha Smryatamtra Mune’. When Ganesh ji came, Vyas Muni said to him, ‘Lekhko bharatsyasya bhav gananayak :, that is,‘ You should become the author of Bharat Granth. ’This means that Ganapati was the ancient scribe of that time.

Panini has discussed in Rigveda education that the voice comes in the fourth of its four verses in Vaikhari, then the sound is produced with the help of the five limbs of the human body. On this basis, the classification of the organ in which the relation of vowels and consonants falls is as follows-

1. The throat-breath comes out of the throat, then the sound comes out. The following letters come under it- A, A, A, B, C, D, E, H and Visarga.

2. Palate - A little above the throat, on the hard palate near the teeth, when breathing out

Many Western researchers of the 18th-19th centuries tried to spread the misconception that the ancient sages of India were ignorant of the art of writing and that the origin of the Brahmi script developed in India 300-400 years before Christ was outside India. In this context, Dr. Orfried and Mueller stated that India got its writing from the Greeks. Sir William Jones said that the Indian Brahmi script originated from the Semitic script. Prof. Beaver attempted to establish the fact that Brahmi has an original Phoenician script. Dr. David Deringer speculated that Brahmi originated from the Aramaic script. While writing the history of Sanskrit literature, Maxmरller expressed his opinion in the context of the development of script that the art of writing came into existence in India 400 years before Christ. Unfortunately, in later times, Indian scholars also rendered the same conclusions in unison with the voices of Western revisionists. In this whole process, no special effort was made to know the saga of the development of script in the traditions and texts of our country.

See what is reality?
Renowned archaeologist and calligrapher A.B. Walawalkar and scribe Laxman Sridhar Wakankar proved by their revisions that the Indian script originated in India itself and the tradition of writing on phonetic basis has existed since the Vedic period, which is also confirmed by many archeological evidences.

Eric Gill, in his essay on typography, describes the obstacles to a typical phonetic writing, saying that at some point a letter may have been synonymous with a sound, but from the study of the Roman alphabet, a letter is always and everywhere synonymous with a sound. , This fact does not come to mind. For example, strong - these four letters are pronounced with 7 different types and different sounds - ‘Ode, Off, Off, Aau, Au, U, O’. As I conclude after writing this, Gill says that I have a clear idea, "It would be foolish to say that our Roman alphabet writes and prints sound properly."

On the other hand, the phonetic writing tradition in India has been for ages. Some evidence of this is found in our ancient literature-

1. There is a legend in Yaju Taittariya Samhita that there was a problem before the gods that the voice disappears after it is spoken. So how to realize this formless voice? So they went to Indra and said ‘Vachanvya Kurveet’ i.e. give shape to the voice. Then Indra said I have to take the help of Vayu. The gods validated it and Indra shaped the voice. Shaping speech i.e. writing lore. This Indra is famous by the name of Northwest Grammar. It is more prevalent in South India-

2. The following lines of Ganak Rishikrit Sukta Ganapati Atharvashirsha in Atharva Veda give clear evidence of the origin of writing lore-

गणादिं पूर्वमुच्चार्य वर्णादिं तदनन्तरम्⁇। Anuswara: Layer:. अर्धेन्दुलसितम्⁇। तोरण रुद्धम्⁇। एतत्तवमनुस्वरूपम्⁇। Gakar: Purvarupam. अकारो मध्यरूपम्⁇ अनुस्वारश्र्चान्त्यरूपम्⁇। बिन्दुरुत्तरूपम। Sounds: Sandhanam. Code of Conduct:. Saisha Ganesh Vidya.

That is, first to pronounce the group of sounds, then to write the letters in the same order (with the help of color) later, then to give anuswara on the letter, it should be crescent moon. Thus, O Ganesha, your form, the picture will be as follows: i.e. the consonant and the part of the middle vowel, i.e. the shape, the form and the end-free anuswara This is Ganesha Vidya, which is known by Ganapati.

3. It was Lord Shiva who gave the sound sources. Branches of different Vedas began to disappear due to the death of the speakers. So taking the prayer to save him, Sankadi Siddha went to Lord Shiva in Chidambaram in the south. Hearing their prayers, Lord Shiva played his damru nine and five times, that is, fourteen times, in the interval of his heavenly dance. From that came 14 sound sutras, which are called Maheshwar sutras. It is described as-

Nrittavasane Nataraja Rajo
ननाद ढक्कां नवपंचवारम्⁇.
Quotes: Sankadisiddhantra etadvimarshe Shivasutrajalam.
Kaushik Sutra-1

Panini mentions the fourteen Maheshwar Sutras as follows. (1) अ इ उ ं⁇ (2) ऋ लृ क्⁇ (3) ए ओ ङ⁇ (4) ऐ औ च⁇ (5) हय व र ट⁇ (6) ल ण⁇ (7) ण म ङ ण न म⁇ (8) झ भञ्⁇ (9) ध ठ घ ष्⁇ (10) ज ब ग ड द श्⁇ (11) ख फ छ ठ थ च ट त्र य⁇ (12) क प य⁇ (13) श ष स र⁇ (14) ह ल⁇

4. In order to preserve the remembrance of the Vedas and their purity, various sages developed complex methods of braid, garland, crest, line, rod, chariot, flag, and cube text, which were difficult to preserve without writing.

5. When Mahabharatkar Vyas Muni was thinking of writing Mahabharata, he had a problem in front of him as to who wrote it, then he remembered Ganesha for its solution - ‘Kavyasya Lekhanarthay Ganesha Smryatamtra Mune’. When Ganesh ji came, Vyas Muni said to him, ‘Lekhko bharatsyasya bhav gananayak :, that is,‘ You should become the author of Bharat Granth. ’This means that Ganapati was the ancient scribe of that time.

Panini has discussed in Rigveda education that the voice comes in the fourth of its four verses in Vaikhari, then the sound is produced with the help of the five limbs of the human body. On this basis, the classification of the organ in which the relation of vowels and consonants falls is as follows-

1. The throat-breath comes out of the throat, then the sound comes out. The following letters come under it- A, A, A, B, C, D, E, H and Visarga.

2. Palate - A little above the throat, on the hard palate near the teeth, when breathing out