Indian world of seven notes

The process of creation of creation took place with Naad. When the first big bang happened, Adi Naad was generated. The original sound whose symbol is ‘om’ is called Nadavrahm. In the Patanjali Yogasutra, Patanjali Muni has described it as the expression of ‘Tasya Vachak Pranav:’. It is said in Mandukyopanishad-

ओमित्येतदक्षरमिदम्⁇ सर्वं तस्योपव्याख्यानं
भूतं भवद्भविष्यदिपि सर्वमोड्⁇ ंकार एवं
यच्यान्यत्⁇ त्रिकालातीतं तदप्योङ्कार एव॥
माण्डूक्योपनिषद्⁇ -1॥

Basics of music

Yesterday I was told to give information about music as well as the basics of classical music. By the way, all that I have said so far was the same knowledge of classical music that a music lover wants to know, I wrote about the origin of music, melody, instrument, singing, etc., but from yesterday's comment I felt that now And basic information should be given, so today we start from scratch.

Biography of Tyagaraja

Thyagaraja was a famous musician. He was a great knower of 'Carnatic music' and a poet of devotional path. He composed devotional songs dedicated to Lord Shriram. His best songs are often sung at religious events. Thyagaraja had enriched society and literature as well as art. His erudition is reflected in his every work, although the work 'Pancharatna' is said to be his best work. No moment of Thyagaraja's life was separated from Shriram. In his works, he described Lord Rama as a friend, master, father and helper.

Kumar Sanu

Kumar Sanu is a well known playback singer of Hindi cinema. Born on October 20, 1957 in Kolkata, Kumar Sanu's original name is Kedarnath Bhattacharya. His father himself was a good singer and musician. He was the one who taught Kumar Sanu singing and tabla playing. Sanu, who considers singer Kishore Kumar as her role model, has maintained her own distinct style in singing.

L. Subramaniam

L. Subramaniam is a talented Indian violinist, composer and talented performer of South Indian and Western classical music with Carnatic music. The melodies composed by them are unique in themselves. Not only is he a violinist, but he is also known as a revolutionary changer of technology and new experiments in music.

राग परिचय

हिंदुस्तानी एवं कर्नाटक संगीत

हिन्दुस्तानी संगीत में इस्तेमाल किए गए उपकरणों में सितार, सरोद, सुरबहार, ईसराज, वीणा, तनपुरा, बन्सुरी, शहनाई, सारंगी, वायलिन, संतूर, पखवज और तबला शामिल हैं। आमतौर पर कर्नाटिक संगीत में इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले उपकरणों में वीना, वीनू, गोत्वादम, हार्मोनियम, मृदंगम, कंजिर, घमत, नादाश्वरम और वायलिन शामिल हैं।

राग परिचय