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Pt. Nirmalya Dey | Indian Classical Vocalist

Suprabhat ''Meditation with morning ragas''.... Pandit Nirmalya Dey is a renowned master vocalist and teacher in the tradition of Dagarvani dhrupad. Inspired by his mother, he started his initial dhrupad training with Prof. Nimaichand Boral, who was a disciple of Ustad Nasir Moinuddin Dagar. From 1988, Nirmalya Dey learned in the true guru-shishya tradition based on the master-disciple relationship, spending extended time with the celebrated dhrupad master, Ustad Zia Fariduddin Dagar.

Kalpana Zokarkar | Raga - Bhupal Todi

Meditation with morning ragas....Kalpana Zokarkar, a Hindustani classical vocalist, occupies a special position in the Hindustani classical music world. Her musical upbringing was due to her father and guru, Pandit Krishna Rao Majumdar, a renowned artist in his own right. She carries the legacy of Ustad Rajab Ali Khan, through her father.

M. Subramonia Sarma, S.R. Mahadeva Sarma & S.R. Rajasree | Raga - Kedaragaula

Meditation with morning ragas....Hailing from a family of traditional musicians, S.R. Mahadeva Sarma started learning violin at a tender age of seven under the able guidence of his father famous violinist Prof. M. Subramonia Sarma (who is the senior most violinist in Kerala). S.R. Mahadeva Sarma gave his first violin duet performance at the age of ten along with his sister S.R. Rajasree.