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Basics of music

Basics of music

Yesterday I was told to give information about music as well as the basics of classical music. By the way, all that I have said so far was the same knowledge of classical music that a music lover wants to know, I wrote about the origin of music, melody, instrument, singing, etc., but from yesterday's comment I felt that now And basic information should be given, so today we start from scratch.

Everyone knows that there are seven tones in music, the whole building of classical music is based on these tones, these are the seven original tones, as well as the soft distorted tones as they go up and down There are a total of 12 vowels, now you will ask what are these shrutis? Shruti means fine fine fine vowel, when we go from one vowel to another there are many very fine vowels in between, in total 22 Shrutias are told,

Assuming the sound of a vowel, we sing down to c. So it is a soft tone and which we sing more and more like - I then it becomes a sharp tone.

One thing in classical music is chic, chic is what gives rise to the raga, sound from the tone, octave from the vowel, and chic from the octave, different chic from pure distorted octave, and chic from the chic. Bhatkhande ji has described 10 chic of all the ragas, which are - Yaman, Bilawal, Khamaj, Bhairav, Purvi, Marwa, Kafi, Asavari, Bhairavi, and Todi.

I have already mentioned about raga, the raga which has vowel letters, for example take the example of raga Yemen -

There are seven tones in Raga Yaman, all the tones are pure, only soft, this Raga is very sweet, its singing time is the first watch of the night - listen to a beautiful song in Raga Yaman