Pandit Pandharinath Nageshkar

Pt. Pandharinath Ganadhar Nageshkar was born on 16th March 1913, at Nagoshi (Goa). He had a great interest in Tabla since his childhood. He took his initial training at home, under his maternal uncle, Shri Ganpatrao Nageshkar. Subsequently, he trained under Shri Vallemama (Shri Yashwantrao Vitthal Bandivdekar), Ustad Anwar Hussain Khan (Ustad Amir Hussain Khan’s disciple), Shri Jatin Baksh (Roshanara Begum’s Tabla player) and Shri Subrao Mama Ankolikar. He gained some new insights on the instrument from Shri Khaprumama Parvatkar.

Harmonium Virtuoso and Composer Pandit Manohar Chimote

Pandit Manohar Chimote (27 March 1929 - 9 September 2012) was a prominent Samvadini player. It will be not be an exaggeration to say that it was Pandit Manohar Chimote who laid the foundation of solo harmonium - Samvadini playing in the field of Hindustani Classical Music. He made it his life mission to elevate harmonium – an instrument of Western import – to a level of full fledged of solo instrument on par with the sitar, the sarod. the flute and shehnai. Having Indianised harmonium, he renamed it as SAMVADINI in early seventies. 

Tehkikaat is a Hindi crime thriller series

Tehkikaat is a Hindi crime thriller series which became very popular when it was aired in the year 1994. It starred Vijay Anand and Saurabh Shukla as the popular detective duo playing the characters of Sam D’Silva and Gopichand. The format of the show is as such, that each episode is a new crime scene investigation and it is played out with gripping suspense, intense action and with a touch of humour. The show worked primarily because of the chemistry between the lead actors of Vijay Anand and Saurabh Shukla.

Bhatkhande Music Institute Deemed University

The history of music education in India dates back to the ancient period when all education was imparted in Gurukulas and Ashrams of great Saints and  Rishi-Munis. The system of modern institutionalization of education in a graded, time-bound structure was ushered in by the British rulers from the mid-nineteenth century. Indian music education was brought and structured in this system in the beginning of the twentieth century.

राग परिचय

हिंदुस्तानी एवं कर्नाटक संगीत

हिन्दुस्तानी संगीत में इस्तेमाल किए गए उपकरणों में सितार, सरोद, सुरबहार, ईसराज, वीणा, तनपुरा, बन्सुरी, शहनाई, सारंगी, वायलिन, संतूर, पखवज और तबला शामिल हैं। आमतौर पर कर्नाटिक संगीत में इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले उपकरणों में वीना, वीनू, गोत्वादम, हार्मोनियम, मृदंगम, कंजिर, घमत, नादाश्वरम और वायलिन शामिल हैं।

राग परिचय